
What is the Key Difference between Cover Letter and Resume?

Difference between Cover Letter and Resume

Many people think of a cover letter and resume as the same. However, there are some major differences between both of these documents. Before you apply for a job, you must know the key difference between cover letter and resume. It will help you fill out the job application accurately. A cover letter consists of […]

The Right Pattern of Resume Writing to Secure Your Dream Job

Pattern of Resume Writing

Have you been applying for jobs but not able to secure one? It might be possible your resume was not designed with the right pattern. Following the right pattern of resume writing is important to secure the job you want. With the best practices and a few steps, you can create a professional resume to […]

How to Write an Academic CV That Gets You Noticed?

How to Write an Academic CV

An academic CV is a document that describes your professional journey. It is quite different from a standard CV. An academic CV serves as a detailed list of your educational background, research and teaching experience, publication awards, courses, and certifications you have earned. If you’re wondering how to write an academic CV, you can use […]

What to Include in Short CV Academic Research?

what to include in short cv academic research

If you are wondering, What to Include in Short CV Academic Research? In this guide, we’ll explain what an Academic CV is, how to write one, and what details to include.   What is a Research Academic CV? A research academic CV is a document that shows your educational background and qualifications when applying for […]

9 LinkedIn Profile Tips to Boost Your Online Presence

LinkedIn Profile Tips

If you’re applying for a job through LinkedIn or just starting as an entrepreneur, it is crucial to make your online presence better. Nowadays, hiring managers approach potential candidates through LinkedIn. They go through candidates’ profiles and further decide if they want to contact them for the job or not. Therefore, it’s highly essential to […]

How to Write a Federal Resume? The Final Discussion

how to write a federal resume

Are you looking for a federal government job but don’t know how to make a federal resume? No worries. We’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll explain how to write a federal resume, a document that helps you apply for federal jobs. Federal resumes are longer than regular resumes. It consists of more details […]

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